BowlTecX was created in 2020 by Ric Hamlin. Ric’s career started while growing up in a bowling center.
First competing in tournaments as an amateur, then as a P.B.A. member (regional and nationally). He then transitioned this into a career in the bowling industry, first as a pro shop operator, bowling center manager, Brunswick product specialist and bowling products distribution representative. Add in a lifelong study of psychology (two mental games books written & published), Ric has a unique skill set few possess and he has created a process that is proven. His lifelong experience on every level and aspect of the game and sport of bowling is a resume that speaks for itself.
BowlTecX initially started out as a grass roots project, with the sole intent of helping bowlers of every skill level to improve their game.
Ric’s teaching philosophy is based around science, utilizing biomechanics (the physics of sports - the study of a body in motion, in which acceleration is present) and creating a more efficient way of executing consistently (working with gravity vs. against it). By also creating a strong mental approach, the student is able to increase productivity with a clearer view of what is necessary to succeed.
Ric is able to evaluate students both physical & mental game and paired with creating proper equipment fit and building the efficient arsenal for every individual.
- as the athlete progress, it gets harder as they have to become smarter…
BowlTecX has become a special, strong community; a community that continues to grow, primarily due to the success of its multitudes of students…the results speak for themselves.
BowlTecX is a platform for growth for every level & type of bowler (beginner to professional, one hander to two hander, right or left handed, young or older), to learn and progress, by setting up a game plan for them to process, within their individual parameters.
Come join the community.
Mookie Betts - BowltecX student, PBA member & L.A. Dodger Right Fielder
At your lesson with Ric Hamlin take the opportunity to utilize the JayHawk BoardBox and Kegel Torch, these tools assist bowlers by providing a better visualization of the lane and the importance of the athlete’s vision. Learn and understand how your vision and individual ball motion can attack/play the lane more efficiently and effectively.

Fast calibration with the JAYHAWK BOARDBOX.
Understand accuracy & alignment with the KEGEL TORCH.
BowlTecX is an educational platform where bowlers can come and disseminate much of the information they encounter, whether it be misleading or misunderstood.
Our intent is to provide a path of answers, a path of decluttering and a path to improvement.
BowlTecX provides bowlers whether amateur or professional source information for every key aspect of the game, from COACHING, to training the mind or MENTAL portion, to addressing a proper ARSENAL and attacking LANE PLAY (lane patterns). If a bowler has a question, concern or idea BowlTec offers the direction, strategy, and resources to answer and build a better player.