It's True!
My mother went into labor while watching my father bowl
league...I was almost born in a bowling center.

Ric Hamlin
• 1978-1980 Greater L.A. Junior All-Stars - most prestigious junior travel league in the nation.
• 15yr P.B.A. member (1986 – 2001)
• 1999 Brunswick World Team Challenge Champion (Dublin Cal)
• 300 games -20
• 800 series -5 (820) (retired in 2001)
• A.B.C./U.S.B.C. Lifetime National tournament
• Average 207.9 (10yrs/90 games)
• 35 plus years drilling experience
• 35 plus years coaching experience
• Co-author – Head Game (2013), (r)eVolve (2014) and second book END GAMES (2021)
1995 - A.B.C. National Tournament, National Bowling Stadium, Reno (inaugural year-92,000 competitors).
Storm Booth Asst Manager (Storm Bowling products, K.R. Bowling bags & Dexter Shoes).
Storm technical rep for A.B.C. Sr Masters & F.I.Q. International competition (26 countries).
1996-2000 Owner/Operator R&D Professional Bowling Services, San Jose (2 shops – over $1million in sales).
2000-2003 Coast Properties Director of Pro Shop Operations-the Orleans, Las Vegas (the Orleans, GoldCoast &SunCoast).
Set (un)official world’s record for most bowling balls drilled in one day – 216 at 2002 Mini Eliminator Competition (GoldCoast).
2003-2008 Brunswick P.N.W. Consumer Div. Product Specialist (managed all pro shop accts & bowling centers in the Pacific NorthWest, regional professional & amateur staffs, numerous clinics, Pro-Ams & tradeshows),
Worked with Brunswick R&D dept in many releases during that time (Absolute & Ultimate Inferno, Vapor Zone and Wizard).
Technical consultant for TV show House; taught Jesse Spencer/Dr. Chase how to bowl.
Worked with members of Team USA & Team Canada.
2004-current C.S.U. Fresno Bulldogs Bowling Team Asst. Coach (2011 USBC Intercollegiate Team Champion).
2008-2020 Steve Cook’s Bowling Supply Outside Sales/Technical Advisor.
2021-Current BowlTec Founder.